There are 33 stamps matching your search.
Netherlands Scott #332-335 1952 2c Telegraph Poles and Train of 1952, 6c Radio Towers, 10c Mail Delivery 1852 and 20c Modern Postman Centenary of Dutch Postage Stamps and of the Telegraph Service. Used. $1.15 Item #NTH0332S01 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #361-364 1954 1G, 2 1/2G, 5G and 10G Queen Juliana. Used. $1.10 Item #NTH0361S1 add to cart
Netherlands Scott #361-364 1954 1G, 2 1/2G, 5G and 10G Queen Juliana. Used. $1.20 Item #NTH0361S2 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #361-364 1954 1G, 2 1/2G, 5G and 10G Queen Juliana. Used. $1.20 Item #NTH0361S3 add to cart
Netherlands Scott #371 1957 30c Flagship De Zeven Provincien. Used. $1.50 Item #NTH0371S1 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #371 1957 30c Flagship De Zeven Provincien. Used. $1.50 Item #NTH0371S2 add to cart
Netherlands Scott #377-378 1959 12c and 30c 1959 Europa. Used. $1.80 Item #NTH0377S1 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #383-384 1960 12c J.C. Schroeder van der Kolk and 30c Johannes Wier Pioneers of Mental Health. Used. $1.20 Item #NTH0383S1 add to cart
Netherlands Scott #383-384 1960 12c J.C. Schroeder van der Kolk and 30c Johannes Wier Pioneers of Mental Health. Used. $1.20 Item #NTH0383S2 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #B228 1951 20c+5c Moermond Castles Cultural and Medical Semi-Postal. Used. $4.00 Item #NTHB228S1 add to cart
Netherlands Scott #B229-B233 1951 2c+2c Girl and Windmill, 5c+3c Boy and Building Construction, 6c+4c Fisherboy and Net, 10c+5c Boy Chimneys and Steelwork and 20c+7c Girl and Apartment House Surtax for Child Welfare Semi-Postal. Used. $5.60 Item #NTHB229S3 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #B237 1952 20c+5c Jan van Riebeeck Monument Fund Semi-Postal. Used. $1.75 Item #NTHB237S1 add to cart
Netherlands Scott #B243-B247 1952 2c+3c Boy and Goat, 5c+3c Girl on Donkey, 6c+4c Girl and Dog, 10c+5c Boy and Kitten and 20c+7c Boy and Rabbit Child Welfare Semi-Postal. Used. $3.30 Item #NTHB243S3 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #B243-B247 1952 2c+3c Boy and Goat, 5c+3c Girl on Donkey, 6c+4c Girl and Dog, 10c+5c Boy and Kitten and 20c+7c Boy and Rabbit Child Welfare Semi-Postal. Used. $3.30 Item #NTHB243S4 add to cart
Netherlands Scott #B243-B247 1952 2c+3c Boy and Goat, 5c+3c Girl on Donkey, 6c+4c Girl and Dog, 10c+5c Boy and Kitten and 20c+7c Boy and Rabbit Child Welfare Semi-Postal. Used. $3.30 Item #NTHB243S7 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #B247 1952 20c+7c Boy and Rabbit Child Welfare Semi-Postal. Used. $2.50 Item #NTHB247S1 add to cart
Netherlands Scott #B253 1953 20c+5c Iris Flowers Social Culktural and Medical Semi-Postal. Used with rounded corner. $4.00 Item #NTHB253S1 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #B253 1953 20c+5c Iris Flowers Social Culktural and Medical Semi-Postal. Used. $5.50 Item #NTHB253S2 add to cart
Netherlands Scott #B253 1953 20c+5c Iris Flowers Social Culktural and Medical Semi-Postal. Used. $5.25 Item #NTHB253S3 add to cart
| | Netherlands Scott #B254-B258 1953 2c+3c Red Cross on Sheild, 6c+4c Man Holding Lantern, 7c+5c Worker and Ambulance, 10c+5c Nurse Giving Transfusion and 25c+8c Red Cross Flags Semi-postal for the Red Cross. Used. $7.50 Item #NTHB254S1 add to cart