Stamps Plus
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Search Results

There are 255 stamps matching your search.

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Scott #65 1896
2G Franz Josef.
$23.75 Item #ATR0065S3
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Scott #562 1949
1S Millocker Composer.
$6.25 Item #ATR0562S4
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Scott #198-211 1929
1c, 2c, 3c, 5c, 10c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 70c, 75c and 75c Belgian Lion.
Mint never hinged.
$47.00 Item #BEL0198S1
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Scott #294-308 1936
1.50F, 1.75F, 2F, 2.25F, 2.45F, 2.50F, 3.25F, 5F, 10F, 20F, 3F, 4F, 6F, 10F and 20F King Leopold III.
Unused lightly hinged and never hinged.
$50.00 Item #BEL0294S1
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Scott #322-337 1944
5c, 10c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 1F, 1.25F, 1.50F, 1.75F, 2F, 2.75F, 3F, 3.50F, 5F and 10F Lion Rampant Inscribed Belgique-Belgie.
Unused hinged.
$12.75 Item #BEL0322S1
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Scott #338-353 1944
5c, 10c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 1F, 1.25F, 1.50F, 1.75F, 2F, 2.75F, 3F, 3.50F, 5F and 10F Lion Rampant Inscribed Belgie-Belgique.
Unused hinged.
$6.15 Item #BEL0338S1
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Scotts #374-385 1948
2 1/2r, 5r, 10r, 15r, 20r, 25r, 50r, 75r, 80r, 100r, 200r, 300r, 500r and 1000r King Manuel II Overprinted Republica.
Unused lightly hinged.
$30.00 Item #BEL0374S2
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Scott #545-552 1960
10c Congo River Boat Pilot, 40c Medical Team, 1F Planting Tree, 2F Sculptors, 2.50F Shot Put, 3F Congolese Officials, 6F Congolese and Belgian Girls Playing with Dolls and 8F Boy Pointing on Globe to Independent Congo Independence of Congo.
Unused hinged.
$5.25 Item #BEL0545S3
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Scott #B221 1938
5F+5F View of the Sacred Heart Bassilica of Koekelberg Semi-Postal with Koekelberg postmark in Margin.
Mint never hinged with pin holes as issued.
$12.00 Item #BELB221C3
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Scott #B221 1938
5F+5F View of the Sacred Heart Bassilica of Koekelberg Semi-Postal with Koekelberg postmark in Margin.
Mint never hinged with pin holes as issued.
$12.00 Item #BELB221C4
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Scott #B273-B278 1940
75c+75c, 1F+1F and 2.50F+2.50F Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel and 1.50f+150F, 1.75F+1.75F and 5F+5F Bust of Prince Albert of Liege Surtax for Queen Elisabeth Music Foundation Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$41.25 Item #BELB273S2
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Scott #725a 1984
5c, 5c, 5c and 5c, and 20c, 20c, 20c and 20c and 25c, 25c, 25c and 25c and $2, $2, $2 and $2 1984 Olympics Complete Booklet of four Se-tenant Panes of four.
Mint never hinged.
$15.00 Item #BLZ0725C1
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Bosnia and Herzegovina
Scott #216A 1995
10D, 20D, 30D, 35D, 50D, 100D and 200D Main Post Office Se-tenant Complete Booklet of seven.
Mint never hinged.
$6.75 Item #BOS216aS1
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Scott #15 1859
5c Beaver.
$10.00 Item #CAN0015S02
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Scott #15 1859
5c Beaver.
Used with short perforation.
$7.50 Item #CAN0015S14
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China Peoples Republic
Scott #589 1961
8f Peoples Revolutionary Military Museum.
Unused hinged with crease.
$15.00 Item #CPR0589S1
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Scott #50 1904
1/2pi Green and Carmine Rose KEVII Watermarked Multiple Crown and CA.
Unused hinged.
$6.00 Item #CYP0050S01
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Scott #85-96 1912
1o, 2o, 3o, 4o, 5o, 5o, 7o, 7o, 8o, 10o, 10o and 12o Numeric Value, The Three Wavy Lines are Symbolic of the Three Waters that Separate the Principal Danish Islands.
Unused hinged.
$39.00 Item #DEN0085S2
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Scott #382-394 1961
15o, 20o, 25o, 30o, 35o, 35o, 40o, 50o, 60o, 70o, 80o, 90o and 95o Frederik IX.
Mint never hinged.
$7.15 Item #DEN0382S1
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Falkland Islands
Scott #388, 393, 397, 398 1984
2p, 2p, 2p and 2p and 2p, 2p, 2p and 2p and 7p, 7p, 7p and 7p, 20p, 20p, 20p and 20p and 25p, 25p, 25p and 25p Insects and Spiders Series 1 Complete Booklet of five Panes.
Mint never hinged.
$25.00 Item #FAL0388S2
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