There are 3164 stamps matching your search.

Real photo showing biplane in flight with clouds in background. $10.00 Item #AIR-001 add to cart
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Keep 'Em Flying! AC-7 Scout Bombers. Curt Teich & Co. Official U.S. Navy Photograph. U.S. Air Corps Series. Postally used August 16, 1942. $10.00 Item #AIR42A001 add to cart

Skyline of Miami showing Goodyear blimp 'Puritan' NC-7A flying over Miami harbor, ships and Miami skyline in the background. J. B. Sommers MC 20. Postally used March 6, 1940. Some edge wear. $10.00 Item #AIR-ADV-FLS-001 add to cart
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Captive Balloon and Rigging Crew showing balloon entering hangar. Graycraft. L-237. Divided back. $10.00 Item #AIR-BAL-001 add to cart

Grande Semaine D'Aviation de la Champagne (Aout 1909). Biplan a queue, 60 chevaux, pilote par Roger Sommer translated to 'Big Week On Aviation of Champagne (August 1909). A biplane with tail, 60 horses, pilot Roger Sommer.' ND Phot 182. Circa 1910. Unused. $25.00 Item #AIR-FRP-003 add to cart
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C.S. Student Robert Slack showing pilot and plane. International Correspondence Schools, Ltd. Aviation Tour of Great Britain, 1912. Postally used. Some edge wear and crease at top and bottom left. $20.00 Item #AIR-GBP-001 add to cart

Arial View of Scott Field, Belleville, Ill--1 Showing U. S. Army Airship RN-1. E. C. Kropp. Postally used July 7, 1947. $10.00 Item #AIR-MIL-ILS-001 add to cart
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Airship Hangar At Scott Field, Belleville, Ill. Showing view of hangar with airship moored in the background. Val Hirth. 104032. Unused. Linen. $10.00 Item #AIR-MIL-ILS-002 add to cart

Midtown And Empire State Building, New York showing the skyline of Manhattan and U. S. Navy airship approaching the Empire State Building. Manhattan Card 137. Postally used July 3, 1936. $10.00 Item #AIR-MIL-NYS-001 add to cart
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American Airlines showing plane in flight. American Airlines T-152C. Chrome. Unused. Crease at bottom left. $10.00 Item #AIR-USA-001 add to cart

NC 18611, the 11th of 12 Boeing B314 flying boats showing the Honolulu Clipper flying above the clouds. Wesco Color Card. Chrome. Minor edge wear. $10.00 Item #AIR-USA-003 add to cart
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Will Rogers, Famous Humorist showing the well attired entertainer standing in front a Ford Tri-Motor Airplane with a representation of his signature at bottom of card. C.T. American Art. 8A339-N. Postally used January 3, 1943. $15.00 Item #CEL43A001 add to cart
Over the housetops And through the air, Cupid is speeding My Love to bear showing Cupid flying 'Valentine Air Line' biplane with roses. Divided back. Unused. Some staining at left. $10.00 Item #HOL-USA-001 add to cart
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A greeting of Jan 1st embossed showing Baby New Year flying biplane over a polar bear. Midland Publishing Co. Series 1002. Divided back. Unused. Reverse inscription and some ink marks. $15.00 Item #HOL-USA-003 add to cart

A famous PBY Navy plane flying over a picturesque spot in Alaska. U. S. Navy Photograph. C246---PBY. Kodachrome Reproduction Mike Roberts. Divided back. $10.00 Item #MIL-AIR-AKS-001 add to cart
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Real Photo showing disassembled German aircraft in storage. $15.00 Item #MIL-GEC-001 add to cart

Heruntergeschossenes franz. Flugzeug, welches deutsche Stadte (Karlsruhe) mit Bomben belegte. Showing soldiers and destroyed aircraft. Knackstedt & Co. Unused. Perforated at left. $10.00 Item #MIL-GEC-002 add to cart
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Do you look like this Rookie? He's feeling might low! He's wondering when it's finished Will the darn thing really go? Comic showing child with aircraft parts and plans. Grinnell Litho Co. H-34. Linen. Unused. $10.00 Item #MIL-USA-002 add to cart
Joe used to be an airline pilot - He can't fly without his hostess! Comic drawing showing airfield, airplane, pilot, crew. Linen. Unused. $10.00 Item #MIL-USA-003 add to cart
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Republic P-35 Airplanes in Flying Formation. E. C. Krupp Co. 013. Postally used January 11, 1944. $10.00 Item #MIL-USA-004 add to cart