There are 15 stamps matching your search.
 Australia Scott #3 1913 2d Kangaroo Watermarked Wide Crown and Wide A with Noggerup, Westn Aust. postmark. Used. $7.50 Item #AUS0003S05 add to cart
|  |  Australia Scott #27a 1920 2d Orange KGV Watermarked Wide Crown and Narrow A with Dutton, Sth Australia postmark. Used. $2.00 Item #AUS0027aS13 add to cart
 Australia Scott #34 1924 4d KGV Wide Crown and Narrow A Watermark with Ballina, N.S.W. double ring cds. Used. $7.50 Item #AUS0034S05 add to cart
|  |  Australia Scott #42 1915 1/- Kangaroo Watermarled Narrow Crown and Narrow A with Hamley Bridge Postmark. Used. $15.00 Item #AUS0042S03 add to cart
 Australia Scott #47 1915 3d Kangaroo Die II Watermarked Narrow Crown and Narrow A. Used. $21.25 Item #AUS0047S02 add to cart
|  |  Australia Scott #96 1929 6d Kangaroo Watermarked Multiple Small Crown and A with Ascot Vale, Victoria postmark. Used. $6.00 Item #AUS0096S6 add to cart
 Australia Scott #97 1929 9d and 9d Kangaroo Pair Small Crown and Multiple A Watermark Fitzroy Postmark. Used. $25.00 Item #AUS0097S01 add to cart
|  |  Australia Scott #97 1929 9d and 9d Kangaroo Pair Small Crown and Multiple A Watermark. Used. $25.00 Item #AUS0097S02 add to cart
 Australia Scott #97 1929 9d and 9d Kangaroo Pair Small Crown and Multiple A Watermark with Fitzroy, Vic. postmark. Used. $28.00 Item #AUS0097S03 add to cart
|  |  Australia Scott #120 1932 5d Watermarked Small Crown and C of Multiple KGV with Late Fee, Spencer St., Victoria postmark. Used. $2.00 Item #AUS0120S3 add to cart
 Australia Scott #122 1932 9d Kangaroo Small Crown and C of A Multiple Watermark Wollogong Postmark. Used. $2.40 Item #AUS0122S08 add to cart
|  |  Australia Scott #122 1932 9d Kangaroo Small Crown and C of A Multiple Watermark with Ararat, Vic. Postmark. Used. $3.00 Item #AUS0122S09 add to cart
 Australia Scott #125 1935 2/- Kangaroo Small Crown and C of A Multiple Watermark with Late Fee, Melbourne postmark. Used. $2.00 Item #AUS0125S04 add to cart
|  |  Australia Scott #125 1935 2/- Kangaroo Small Crown and C of A Multiple Watermark. Used. $1.40 Item #AUS0125S05 add to cart
 Australia Scott #161 1936 1/- Proclamation Tree and View of Adelaide South Australia with Koonya, Tasmania postmark. Used. $7.50 Item #AUS0161S02 add to cart