There are 22 stamps matching your search.
 Algeria Scott #126-130 1939 20c, 40c, 90c, 1.25 F and 2.25F American Export Liner Unloading Cargo New York Worlds Fair. Mint never hinged. $17.95 Item #ALG0126S01 add to cart
|  |  Algeria Scott #226-228 1950 5F, 15F and 25F Peoples of The World Universal Postal Union. Mint never hinged. $11.25 Item #ALG0226S1 add to cart
 Algeria Scott #226-228 1950 5F, 15F and 25F Peoples of The World Universal Postal Union. Mint never hinged. $11.25 Item #ALG0226S2 add to cart
|  |  Algeria Scott #229-231 1950 20F Grapes, 25F Dates and 40F Oranges and Lemons. Used. $1.85 Item #ALG0229S01 add to cart
 Algeria Scott #229-231 1950 20F Grapes, 25F Dates and 40F Oranges and Lemons. Used. $1.80 Item #ALG0229S1 add to cart
|  |  Algeria Scott #263 1955 25F, 40F and 50F Military Health Service. Mint never hinged. $6.00 Item #ALG0250S1 add to cart
Algeria Scott #291-295 1962 5c Kerrata Gorge, 10c Dam at Foum el Gherza, 25c Mosque at Tiemcen, 95c Oil Fields and 1Fr Roman Gates of Lodi. Mint never hinged. $3.95 Item #ALG0291S1 add to cart |  |  Algeria Scott #313 1963 25c Centenary Emblem International Red Cross. Mint never hinged. $0.70 Item #ALG0313S1 add to cart
 Algeria Scott #314 1963 25c UNESCO Emblem, Scales and Globe, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Mint never hinged. $0.65 Item #ALG0314S2 add to cart
|  |  Algeria Scott #314 1963 25c UNESCO Emblem, Scales and Globe, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Mint never hinged. $0.65 Item #ALG0314S3 add to cart
 Algeria Scott #314 1963 25c UNESCO Emblem, Scales and Globe, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Mint never hinged. $0.65 Item #ALG0314S4 add to cart
|  |  Algeria Scott #314 1963 25c UNESCO Emblem, Scales and Globe, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Mint never hinged. $0.65 Item #ALG0314S5 add to cart
 Algeria Scott #344-347 1966 1D, 1D, 2D and 3D Wall Paintings from Tassili-N-Ajjer. Unused hinged. $15.00 Item #ALG0344S1 add to cart
|  |  Algeria Scott #363 1955 1.50D Woman at Her Toilette. Mint never hinged. $3.95 Item #ALG0363S1 add to cart
 Algeria Scott #644-645 1980 60c and 1.40D 20 Years of OPEC. Unused lightly hinged. $1.00 Item #ALG0644S3 add to cart
|  |  Algeria Scott #949-952 1991 3D Necklace, 4D Jewelry of Southern Tuarega, 5D Brooch and 7D Rings. Mint never hinged. $3.25 Item #ALG0949S3 add to cart
 Algeria Scott #B14-B26 1930 5c+5c, 10c+10c, 15c+15c, 25c+25c, 30c+30c, 40c+40c, 50c+50c, 75c+75c, 1F+1F, 1.50F+1.50F, 2F+2F, 3F+3F and 5F+5F French Occupation of Algiers. Mint never hinged. $153.00 Item #ALGB014C1 add to cart
|  |  Algeria Scott #B67-B68 1952 8F+2F and 12F+3F Red Cross Semi-Postal 1952 Alger Croix-Rouge Francaise Premier Jour E'Emission Local Use. First Day on two Maximum Cards. Rubberstamp Address. $5.00 Item #ALGB068C1 add to cart
 Algeria Scott #B74 1954 12F+3F Hospital and Nurses Red Cross Semi-Postal 1954 Algerie Croix-Rouge Francaise Premier Jour. Local Use. Maximum Card. Unaddressed. $7.50 Item #ALGB074C01 add to cart
|  |  Algeria Scott #B75 1954 15F+5F Dunant Red Cross Semi-Postal 1954 Algerie Croix-Rouge Francaise Premier Jour. Local Use. Maximum Card. Unaddressed. $7.50 Item #ALGB075C03 add to cart