Stamps Plus
P.O. Box 94822
Las Vegas, NV 89193
(702) 791-6828 [email protected]
There are 15 stamps matching your search.
Belgium Higgins & Gage #43 1905 10c + 10c Large Head King Leopold II with Sunday Delivery Tab Attached Reply Postal Card. Unused. $7.50 Item #BELU043C1 add to cart
Belgium Higgins & Gage #44 1905 5c Coat of Arms with Sunday Delivery Tab Brown Jubilee Postal Card. Unused with hinge remnants. $5.00 Item #BELU044C2 add to cart
Belgium Higgins & Gage #49 1908 10c Large Head King Leopold I with label Attached Reply Postal Card. Unused. $5.00 Item #BELU049C1 add to cart
Belgium Higgins & Gage #52 1909 10c Large Head King Leopold II with Sunday Delivery Tab Postal Card. Unused. $5.00 Item #BELU052C1 add to cart
Belgium Scott #84 1907 5c Coat of Arms with Label. Unused no gum. $1.50 Item #BEL0084S2 add to cart
Belgium Scott #89 1905 50c King Leopold with label. Unused with hinge remnant. $47.50 Item #BEL0089S4 add to cart
Belgium Scott #91 1905 2F King Leopold with label. Unused with hinge remnant. $37.50 Item #BEL0091S2 add to cart
Belgium Higgins & Gage, Scott #A14 1905 25c King Leopold II with Sunday Delivery Tab Letter Card. Unused. $5.00 Item #BELUA14C1 add to cart
Belgium Higgins & Gage, Scott #A13a 1905 10c King Leopold II with Sunday Delivery Tab Letter Card without dash error. Unused. $5.00 Item #BELUA13aC1 add to cart
Belgium Scott #B6 1910 2c St Martin of Tours Dividing His Cloak with Beggar. Unused hinged. $3.25 Item #BELB0006S01 add to cart
Belgium Scott #B7 1910 4c St Martin of Tours Dividing His Cloak with Beggar. Unused hinged. $1.20 Item #BELB0007S01 add to cart
Belgium Scott #B8 1910 10c+[c10c] St Martin of Tours Dividing His Cloak with Beggar Anit-tuberculois Semi-Postal. Unused hinged. $1.20 Item #BELB0008S01 add to cart
Belgium Higgins & Gage #PC13 1910 10c Large Head King Leopold I Facing Left with label Paquebot Pieter Deconinck Postal Card. Unused. $20.00 Item #BELUPC13C1 add to cart
Belgium Higgins & Gage #PC4 1904 10c King Leopold I Facing Left with label Paquebot Marie-Henriette Postal Card. Unused. $38.00 Item #BELUPC04C1 add to cart
Belgium Higgins & Gage #PC6 1906 10c Large Head King Leopold I Facing Left with label Paquebot Princesse Elisabeth Postal Card. Unused. $50.00 Item #BELUPC06C1 add to cart