Stamps Plus
P.O. Box 94822
Las Vegas, NV 89193
(702) 791-6828 [email protected]
There are 3 stamps matching your search.
Belgium Scott #B824-B828 1968 1F+50c Woman Gymnast and Calendar Stone, 2F+1F Weight Lifter and Mayan Motif, 3F+1.50F Hurdler Colossus of Tula and Animal Head from Kukulkan, 6F+2F Bicyclists and Chichen Itza Temple and 13F+5F Yachting and The Swimmer by Andrien 1968 Olympic Games Mexic. Used. $1.20 Item #BELB0824S3 add to cart
Belgium Scott #B829-B831 1968 10F+5F Explosion, 12F+5F Fire and 13F+5F Tornado Painting by Pol Mara For Disaster Victims Semi-Postal. Used. $1.50 Item #BELB0829S2 add to cart
Belgium Scott #B851-B854 1969 1.50F+50c, 3.50F+1.50F, 7F+3F and 9F+4F Stained Glass Windows Semi-posal for Philathropic purposes. Used. $3.25 Item #BELB851S1 add to cart