There are 74 stamps matching your search.
 Belarus Scott #15-16 1992 5R and 5R National Symbols. Mint never hinged. $1.40 Item #BLR0015S1 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #18 1993 5R Cross of Ephrosina of Polotsk Imperforate Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #BLR0018S2 add to cart
 Belarus Scott #19-24 1992 2R, 2R, 2R, 2R, 2R and 2R Buildings. Mint never hinged. $1.40 Item #BLR0019S1 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #41-44 1992 1R, 1R, 1R and 1R Ceramics. Mint never hinged. $0.75 Item #BLR0041S1 add to cart
 Belarus Scott #47-50 1993 5R, 10R, 15R and 25R Straw Figures. Mint never hinged. $1.10 Item #BLR0047S1 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #54 1993 2500R 1993 Europa Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $30.00 Item #BLR0054C1 add to cart
 Belarus Scott #62a, 64a 1993 5R and 5R National Symbols Overprinted 1500R 1994 World Cup in Belarusian and English and 5R and 5R Map and Flag Overprinted 1500R 1994 World Cup in Belarusian and English Se-tenant Pairs. Mint never hinged. $17.25 Item #BLR0062aS1 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #84-86 1994 300R, 300R and 300R Painters. Mint never hinged. $0.55 Item #BLR0084S1 add to cart
 Belarus Scott #91a 1994 1000R and 1000R Repin Ukrainian Painter Se-tenant Pair. Mint never hinged. $0.60 Item #BLR0091aS1 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #100 1995 600R Popov Radio Inventor. Mint never hinged. $0.30 Item #BLR0100S1 add to cart
 Belarus Scott #168-171 1996 1500R, 1500R, 2200R and 3300R Medicinal Plants. Mint never hinged. $0.80 Item #BLR0168S1 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #181 1996 2000R Minsk Telephone Station. Mint never hinged. $0.30 Item #BLR0181S1 add to cart
 Belarus Scott #229a 1997 3000R (2), 4400R (2), 7500R (2) and 7600R (2) Farm Tractors Se-tenant Sheet of eight. Mint never hinged. $3.15 Item #BLR0229aC1 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #304-305 1999 150000R and 150000R Nature Reserves 1999 Europa. Mint never hinged. $2.25 Item #BLR0304S1 add to cart
 Belarus Scott #314 1999 25000R Karvat Hero. Mint never hinged. $0.30 Item #BLR0314S1 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #330 2000 100R, 100R and 100R Christianity Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #BLR0330C1 add to cart
 Belarus Scott #350 2000 250R 2000 Europa. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #BLR0350S2 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #379 2001 500R St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #BLR0379C1 add to cart
 Belarus Scott #386-387 2001 200R and 400R Flowers. Mint never hinged. $1.15 Item #BLR0386S1 add to cart
|  |  Belarus Scott #388-389 2001 400R and 1000R National Parks 2001 Europa. Mint never hinged. $4.10 Item #BLR0388S1 add to cart