There are 16 stamps matching your search.

C.P.R. Hotel and Sulphur Mt. Banff showing view from Canadian Pacific Railroad. Real Photo. Along the Line of the Canadain Pacifc Railway Byron Harmon 48. Postally Used June 26, 1924. $10.00 Item #CDP-HOT-ZAS-001 add to cart
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Cor 4th Avenue and Main Street, showing Court House, Fire Hall and Post Office, Medicine Hat, Alta. The Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. 110, 257. Postally used circa 1915. Some edge wear and crazing. $15.00 Item #CDP-ZAS-002 add to cart

C. P. R. Station, Medicine Hat, Alberta showing train at station. Photogelatine Engraving Co. 7. White Border. Unused. Discoloration at edges. $10.00 Item #CDP-ZAS-003 add to cart
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Second Street, Medicine Hat, Alberta showing commercial street scene. Photogelatine Engraving Co. 12. White Border. Unused. $10.00 Item #CDP-ZAS-005 add to cart

Main Street North from Merchants' Bank Building, Winnipeg, Man. showing street scene with trolley cars. Nerlich & Co. A 730. Postally used June 19, 1908. Some edge wear and crease at bottom right. $10.00 Item #CDP-ZIS-001 add to cart
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Cadillac Hotel, Blenheim, Ontario, Canada. showing two buses. Postally used June 6, 1939. $10.00 Item #CDP-ZOS-001 add to cart

Real photo showing Public Library, Chatham Ont. Davis. Postally used June 14, 1937. Stamps removed and some curling. $15.00 Item #CDP-ZOS-002 add to cart
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Crowding into the Grand Stand, Toronto Exhibition. The Valentine & Sons' Publishing Co. 103, 669. Circa 1920. Unused. $10.00 Item #CDP-ZOS-003 add to cart

Manoir Richelieu, Murray Bay Real Photo showing hotel with ship. Associated Screen News Limited F106. Postally used August 24, 1946. Crease at bottom right. $10.00 Item #CDP-ZQS-001 add to cart
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Quebec Little Champlain Street. Montreal Import Co. 27. Unused. View side staining at top. $10.00 Item #CDP-ZQS-002 add to cart

Corner of St. Denis and St. Catherine Street, Montreal showing street scene with trolley cars and horse cart. Valentine & Sons' 104, 676. Divided back. Unused. Some edge wear and missing corner at bottom right. $10.00 Item #CDP-ZQS-003 add to cart
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Real Photo showing horses and stalls. Inscribed Some of Smith Bros horses. Postally used Sedley, Sask. February 1, 1909. $15.00 Item #CDP-ZSS-001 add to cart

Real Photo showing farmers and equipment. Inscribed Thrashing on farm of Smith Bros Sedley. Postally Used Sedley, Sask. February 1, 1909. $20.00 Item #CDP-ZSS-002 add to cart
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Scarth St. Regina showing street scene with Heintzman & Co. Pianos, cars, streetcar, horse and buggy. P. McKenzie 916. Postally used April 25, 1940. $10.00 Item #CDP-ZSS-003 add to cart

Looking South on Lake Marsh, June 6th '98, copyright 1898 showing small sail boats. Real photo AZO Astro. Unused. Some scratches in emulsion and reverse stain at right. $15.00 Item #CDP-ZYS-001 add to cart
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Western Drydock and Shipbuilding Company's' Plant at Port Arthur, Ont showing ship in dry-dock. Unused. $10.00 Item #SHI-CDP-001 add to cart