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There are 1957 stamps matching your search.

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Burmese Ear Boring Festival. D. A. Ahuja 462. Circa 1910. Unused. Some edge wear and missing corner at bottom left.
$10.00 Item #ETH-BQP-006
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Sakieh dans la haute �gypte [Sakieh in Upper Egypt] showing camel working a water wheel. Lichtenstern & Harari 203. Divided back. Unused. Some edge wear.
$10.00 Item #ETH-EGP-002
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Merry Christmas showing Santa Claus leaving gifts on the tree while a beautiful child sleeps nearby. S. L. & Co. Postally used December 21, 1908. Embossed.
$15.00 Item #CHR08A001
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Ecole Arabe [Arabic School] showing teacher and students. The Cairo Postcard Trust, 157. Divided back. Unused. Some edge wear.
$10.00 Item #EGP-006
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A greeting of Jan 1st embossed showing Baby New Year flying biplane over a polar bear. Midland Publishing Co. Series 1002. Divided back. Unused. Reverse inscription and some ink marks.
$15.00 Item #HOL-USA-003
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That's How It's Done. Showing two young Japanese children examining a toy cannon. From the 'Japan and Friends' series. Tuck & Sons. Series 4409. Photo by Cavendish Morton. Postally used October 20, 1905. Postal markings on view side.
$10.00 Item #JPP-CLD-001
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Lita Wells over on Noony St. showing a young woman seated on a donkey in the middle of the road, along with a black dog. Image location appears to be Noony St. Portage Des Sioux, MO. Real Photo. Divided Back. 1920.
$15.00 Item #MOS10A001
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Scott #496-505 1961
2p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 15p, 25p, 50p, 100p, 150p and 175p Celebrating Children's Day.
Unused hinged.
$2.05 Item #AFG0496S1
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Scott #502-503 1961
50p Wrestlers and 100p Man with Indian Clubs 1961 Children's Day Souvenir Sheet.
Mint never hinged.
$3.75 Item #AFG0503aS1
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Scott #173-175 1975
30c Girl in Flowers, 35c Boy with Guitar and 65c Boys in Canoe International Year of the Child 1979 Aitutaki Cook Islands First Day of Issue. Official cachet. EUROPEAN SIZE.
$5.00 Item #AKI0173C01
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Scott #613 2013
$1.30, $1.5 and $1.70 Birth of Prince George of Cambridge Souvenir Sheet of 3.
Mint never hinged.
$3.75 Item #AKI613C3
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Scott #B31 1975
30c+3c girl in flowers, 35c+3c boy with guitar and 65c+3c boys in canoe International Year of the Child Semi-postal Souvenir Sheer 1979 Aitutaki Cook Islands First Day of Issue. Official cachet. EUROPEAN SIZE.
$5.00 Item #AKIB031C01
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Scott #552 1959
5L Mother and Child Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Mint never hinged.
$3.35 Item #ALB0552S1
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Scott #552 1959
5L Mother and Child Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Mint never hinged.
$3.35 Item #ALB0552S2
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Scott #552 1959
5L Mother and Child Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Mint never hinged.
$3.35 Item #ALB0552S3
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Scott #552a 1959
5L Mother and Child and United Nations Emblem Signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Souvenir Sheet.
Unused lightly hinged.
$4.75 Item #ALB0552aS1
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Scott #552a 1959
5L Mother and Child and United Nations Emblem Signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Souvenir Sheet.
Unused lightly hinged.
$3.00 Item #ALB0552aS3
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Scott #552a 1959
5L Mother and Child and United Nations Emblem Signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Souvenir Sheet.
Mint never hinged.
$5.00 Item #ALB0552aS5
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Scott #823-827 1965
1L, 2L, 3L, 4L and 15L Mothers and Children International Childrens Day.
Unused lightly hinged.
$2.75 Item #ALB0823S2
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Scott #1923-1932A 1979
5q Children Entering School, 10q Communications, 15q Steel Workers, 20q Dancers, Instruments, 25q Newspapers, Radio, Television, 60q Textile Workers, 80q Armed Forces, 1.20L Industry, 1.60L Transportation, 2.40L Agriculture and 3L Medicine.
Unused hinged.
$10.50 Item #ALB1923S1
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