There are 27 stamps matching your search.
 Cameroun Scott #209 1937 5F Rope Suspension Bridge. Used. $1.00 Item #CMR0209S1 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #338 1960 30F Uprooted Oak Emblem 1960 World Refugee Year. Mint never hinged. $0.85 Item #CMR0338S1 add to cart
 Cameroun Scott #339 1960 50F C.C.T.A. Unused hinged. $0.80 Item #CMR0339S1 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #340-342 1961 15F, 25F and 86F United Nations Headquarters NYC and Flag Admission to UN. Unused hinged. $1.90 Item #CMR0340S1 add to cart
 Cameroun Scott #374-377 1962 9F, 18F Village and Map and 20F, 25F Sunrise Over City Anniversary of Reunification 1962 Yaounde Premier Jour-First Day of Issue. Set of four on two Editions U. Des. Co. cachets. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #CMR0374C01 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #379 1962 20F Outdoor Education 1962 Illustrated Yaounde Premier Jour. First Day. Editions U. Des. Co. cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #CMR0379C01 add to cart
 Cameroun Scott #379, 367 1962 20F Outdoor Education with 10F Buffalo 1962 Illustrated Yaounde Premier Jour. First Day to Indianapolis, Indiana. Editions U. Des. Co. cachet. Typewritten Address with paper clip mark. $6.00 Item #CMR0379C02 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #380-383 1963 1F, 2F, 3F and 25F Telstar Space Telecommunications 1963 Illustrated Yaounde Premier Jour-First Day of Issue to Indianapolis, Indiana. Editions U. Des. Co. cachet. Typewritten Address. $5.00 Item #CMR0380C01 add to cart
 Cameroun Scott #380-383 1963 1F, 2F, 3F and 25F Telstar Space Telecommunications 1963 Illustrated Yaounde Premier Jour-First Day of Issue to Indianapolis, Indiana. Editions U. Des. Co. cachet. Ink address. $5.00 Item #CMR0380C02 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #439 1966 50F WHO United Nations 1966 Yaounde Premier Jour. First Day. Editions cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #CMR0439C01 add to cart
 Cameroun Scott #468 1967 30F Bananas Fruit. Mint never hinged. $2.60 Item #CMR468S1 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #573 1973 40F Garoua Party Headquarters. Mint never hinged. $0.60 Item #CMR0573S1 add to cart
 Cameroun Scott #686-688 1981 100F, 200F and 300F Cameroun Airlines. Used. $1.90 Item #CMR0686S1 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #710-713 1982 100F, 200F, 300F and 400F 1982 World Cup. Used. $2.00 Item #CMR0710S1 add to cart
 Cameroun Scott #B30-B32 1961 20F+5F, 25F+10F and 30F+15F Map and Flag Semi-postal for the Red Cross. Unused hinged. $2.00 Item #CMRB30S1 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #B36 1962 25F+5F WHO World Anti-Malaria 1962 Illustrated Yaounde Premier Jour. First Day. Editions U.Des. Co. cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #CMRB036C01 add to cart
 Cameroun Scott #B36 1962 25F+5F WHO World Anti-Malaria 1962 Illustrated Yaounde Premier Jour. First Day. Editions U.Des. Co. cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #CMRB036C02 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #C11 1946 15F Chad to Rhine. Unused lightly hinged. $1.00 Item #CMRC011S1 add to cart
 Cameroun Scott #C41-C44 1962 50F Cocotieres Hotel, 100F Butterflies, 200F Ostriches and 500F Kapsikis Mokolo. Unused hinged. $12.00 Item #CMRC041S1 add to cart
|  |  Cameroun Scott #C45 1963 100F Telstar Space Telecommunications Air Mail 1963 Illustrated Yaounde Premier Jour-First Day of Issue to Indianapolis, Indiana. Editions U. Des. Co. cachet. Typewritten Address. $5.00 Item #CMRC045C01 add to cart