Stamps Plus
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Stamps Plus


There are 16 stamps matching your search.

Higgins & Gage #40 1929
50h President Masaryk Karlovy Vary View Postal Card with 1930 Praha 1850-1930 postmark.
Used cancelled to order with small crease at top right.
$5.00 Item #CZEU040C2
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Scott #134 1929
1.50K Pernstein Castle with Praha IV. Svetovy Sjezo Unie Sionisto-Revisionisto postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0134S1
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Scott #152 1929
5h Coat of Arms with 1938 Praha Slet Vsesokolsky postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0152S1
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Scott #152 1929
5h Coat of Arms with 1936 Jilemnice Horska Silnice Presidenta Osvoboditele T. G. Marasryka postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0152S2
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Scott #152 1929
5h Coat of Arms with 1936 Litomerice Oslavy K.H. Machy postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0152S4
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Scott #152 1929
5h Coat of Arms with 1936 Litomerice-Leitmeritz Oktoberfest postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0152S5
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Scott #153 1929
10h Coat of Arms with 1938 Praha Slet Vsesokolsky postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0153S2
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Scott #153 1929
30h Coat of Arms with 1938 Praha Slet Vsesokolsky postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0156S1
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Scott #154 1929
20h Coat of Arms with 1938 Praha Slet Vsesokolsky postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0154S1
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Scott #154 1929
20h Coat of Arms with 1930 Praha IV. Svetovy Sjezo Unie Sionistu-Revision postmark.
Used on piece.
$5.00 Item #CZE0154S2
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Scott #155 1929
25h Coat of Arms with 1938 Praha Slet Vsesokolsky postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0155S1
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Scott #156 1929
30h Coat of Arms with 1934 Bor u Ceske Lipy-Haida XV Deutscher Philatelistentag postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0156C1
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Scott #164 1929
2.50K Statue of St. Wenceslas and National Museum with Praha IV. Svetovy Sjezo Unie Sionisto-Revisionisto postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0164S1
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Scott #164 1929
2.50K Statue of St. Wenceeslas and National Museum with 1933 Praha 7 III. Napoleonsky Kongres, IIIe Congres Napoleon postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZE0164S2
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Scott #C15 1930
5K Smolik S 19 Biplane.
$1.75 Item #CZEC15S5
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Scott #J63, J65-68 1928
50h, Ik, 2K, 5K and 10K Postage Due with 1937 Sankov postmark.
Used on piece.
$2.50 Item #CZEJ063C1
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