Stamps Plus
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Stamps Plus


There are 46 stamps matching your search.

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Scott #223, B6 1933
5o Wavy Lines and Numeral of Value and 5o+5o (3) Dybbol Mill Semi-Postal In Memory of H. P. Hanssen Se-tenant Booklet Pane.
Mint never hinged.
$45.00 Item #DEN0223dS3
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Scott #223d 1933
5o Wavy Lines and Numeral of Value and 5o+5o (3) Dybbol Mill Semi-Postal In Memory of H. P. Hanssen Se-tenant Booklet Pane.
Mint never hinged.
$28.00 Item #DEN0223dS4
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Scott #B1-B2 1921
10o Kronborg Castle Overprinted + 5 + and 20o Sonderborg Castle Overprinted + 10 + Reunion of Northern Schleswig with Denmark Semi-Postal.
Unused hinged.
$28.75 Item #DENB001S3
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Scott #B3 1929
10o Crown and Staff of Aesculapius Danish Cancer Committee Semi-Postal.
Unused hinged.
$2.25 Item #DENB003S5
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Scott #B3-B5 1929
10o, 15o and 25o Crown and Staff of Aesculapius Danish Cancer Committee Semi-Postal.
Unused hinged.
$19.25 Item #DENB003S6
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Scott #B6-B8 1937
5o+5o, 10o+5o and 15o+5o Dybbot Mill H. P. Hanssen Semi-Postal.
Unused hinged.
$3.05 Item #DENB006S5
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Scott #B9-B11 1939
5o+3o, 10o+5o and 15o+5o Queen Alexandrine Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$1.00 Item #DENB009S2
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Scott #B14 1944
10o Round Tower Overprinted + 5.
Mint never hinged.
$0.75 Item #DENB014S1
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Scott #B15-B17 1947
15o+5o, 20o+5o and 400+5o Liberation of Denmark Liberty Fund Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$1.20 Item #DENB015S1
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Scott #B15-B17 1947
15o+5o, 20o+5o and 400+5o Liberation of Denmark Liberty Fund Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$1.15 Item #DENB015S3
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Scott #B18 1950
25o+5o Princess Anne National Children's Welfare Association Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$0.40 Item #DENB018S2
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Scott #B18 1950
25o+5o Princess Anne National Children's Welfare Association Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$0.40 Item #DENB018S3
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Scott #B30 1963
35o+10o Healthy and Crippled Hands Cripples' Foundation Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$0.85 Item #DENB030S5
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Scott #B31 1964
35o+10o Old Bridge at the Danish -German Border Danish Border Union Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$0.65 Item #DENB031S5
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Scott #B31 1964
35o+10o Old Bridge at the Danish -German Border Danish Border Union Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$0.65 Item #DENB031S6
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Scott #B31 1964
35o+10o Old Bridge at the Danish -German Border Danish Border Union Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$0.65 Item #DENB031S7
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Scott #B32-B33 1964
35o+10o and 60o+100 Princesses Margrethe, Benedikte and Anne-Marie Surtax for the Red Cross Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$1.45 Item #DENB032S2
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Scott #B35-B36 1966
35o+10o and 80o+10o Red Cross in Thirty-two Languages Red Cross Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$1.10 Item #DENB035S2
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Scott #B37-B39 1966
40o+10o, 50o+10o and 80o+10o 'Refugees 66' Refugees Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$1.95 Item #DENB037S2
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Scott #B37-B39 1966
40o+10o, 50o+10o and 80o+10o 'Refugees 66' Refugees Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$1.95 Item #DENB037S3
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