There are 1058 stamps matching your search.
Aitutaki Scott #578 2011 $2 and $3 Aitutaki Marine Research Center Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $3.99 Item #AKI578C2 add to cart
| | Ajman Scott #1-19 1964 1np, 2np, 3np, 4np, 5np, 10np, 15np, 20np and 30np Sheik Rashid bin Humaid al Naimi and Various Animals, Fish and Birds. Mint never hinged. $13.65 Item #AJM01S2 add to cart
Aland Islands Scott #43 1989 2M Fish. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #ALA043S2 add to cart
| | Aland Islands Scott #48 1989 2.70M Fish. Mint never hinged. $1.20 Item #ALA048S1 add to cart
Aland Islands Scott #116-117 1995 1 [2M] and 1 [2.30M] Tourism. Mint never hinged. $2.65 Item #ALA116S2 add to cart
| | Albania Scott #589-591 1961 2.5L Otter, 6.5L Badger and 11L Brown Bear. Used. $3.15 Item #ALB0589S1 add to cart
Albania Scott #589-591 1961 2.5L Otter, 6.5L Badger and 11L Brown Bear. Used. $3.15 Item #ALB0589S2 add to cart
| | Albania Scott #716-721 1964 50q, 1L, 1.50L, 2.50L, 6.50L and 10L Fish. Used. $1.00 Item #ALB0716S1 add to cart
Albania Scott #719 1964 2.5 L Carp. Unused hinged. $0.75 Item #ALB0719S1 add to cart
| | Albania Scott #721 1964 10L Lake Ohrid Trout. Mint never hinged. $3.50 Item #ALB0721S1 add to cart
Albania Scott #721 1964 10L Lake Ohrid Trout. Unused hinged. $1.85 Item #ALB0721S2 add to cart
| | Albania Scott #1005-1011 1967 10q, 15q, 25q, 40q, 60q, 65q, 80q and 1.15L Fish. Unused hinged. $3.55 Item #ALB1005S1 add to cart
Andorra French Scott #305-306 1983 1F Birch Trees and 1.50F Trout Nature Protection Deluxe Sheet. Mint never hinged. $30.00 Item #AQF305C01 add to cart
| | Andorra Spanish Scott #173-174 1986 17P and 45P 1986 Europa. Mint never hinged. $1.50 Item #AQS173S2 add to cart
Anguilla Scott #771 1988 $1.60 Old Wife Marine Life 1988 Christmas. Used. $3.50 Item #AGL0771S1 add to cart
| | Argentina Scott #1612-1615 1987 50c (5) National Parks. Mint never hinged. $5.65 Item #ARG1612S1 add to cart
Argentina Scott #B54 1971 20c+10c Dolphfinfish Child Welfare Semi-Postal. Mint never hinged. $0.20 Item #ARGB054S2 add to cart
| | Aruba Scott #150 1997 90c Marine Life Se-tenant Sheet of Nine Souvenir Sheet 1997 Illustrated Aruba Pacific 97 Station First Day of Issue. Carmany cachet Signed by stamp designer. OVERSIZE 6 inches x 9.5 inches. Unaddressed. $25.00 Item #ARU150L01 add to cart
Ascencion Scott #62-74 1956 1/2p, 1p, 1 1/2p, 2p, 2 1/2p, 3p, 4p, 6p, 7p, 1/-, 2/6, 5/ and 10/ QEII Designs. Unused with some gum disturbance. $75.00 Item #ASC0062S1 add to cart
| | Ascencion Scott #262-265 1980 3p, 10p, 25p and 40p Fish. Mint never hinged. $2.35 Item #ASC0262S1 add to cart