There are 141 stamps matching your search.
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #15 1959 20F Coat of Arms. Unused hinged. $9.00 Item #FST0015S1 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #20 1960 25F de Kerguele-Tremarec Discoverer of the Kerguelen Archipelago. Mint never hinged. $20.00 Item #FST020S1 add to cart
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #20 1960 25F Yves-Joseph de Kerguelen-Tremarec Discoverer of the Kerguelen Archipelago. Mint never hinged. $21.00 Item #FST020S2 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #20 1960 25F Yves-Joseph de Kerguelen-Tremarec Discoverer of the Kerguelen Archipelago. Mint never hinged. $15.75 Item #FST020S3 add to cart
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #33 1969 25F Polar Camp with Helicopter Plane and Snocat Tractor French Polar Expeditions 1969 Premier Jour, Terre Adelie. First day. P. J. Cachet. Unaddressed. $15.00 Item #FST0033C03 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #48, 50 1972 25F and 40F Insects 1972 Archipel Crozet, T.A.A.F. First day. P. J. Cachet. Unaddressed. $10.00 Item #FST0048C02 add to cart
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #51 1972 140F Insects 1972 Archipel Crozet, T.A.A.F. First day. P. J. Cachet. Unaddressed. $8.50 Item #FST0051C01 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #52-53 1972 50F General de Gaulle 1940 and 100F President de Gaulle 1970. Mint never hinged. $43.00 Item #FST052S1 add to cart
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #59, 62 1976 50c Antarctic petrel and 1.20F Kerguelen Cormorant 1976 Alfred Faure Crozet, T.A.A.F. First Day. P. J. Cachet. Unaddressed. $16.00 Item #FST059C1 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #60-61 1976 90c Sea Lioness and 1.00F Weddell Seal 1976 Alfred Faure Crozet, T.A.A.F. First Day. P. J. Cachet. Unaddressed. $30.00 Item #FST060C1 add to cart
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #64 1976 30c Climbing Mount Ross 1976 Dumont D'Urville T. Adelie, T.A.A.F. First Day. P. J. Cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #FST064C1 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #66 1977 70c James Cook 1977 Port Aux Francais Kerguelen, T.A.A.F. First Day. P. J. Cachet. Unaddressed. $16.00 Item #FST066C1 add to cart
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #79 1979 1.40f Kerfuelen Cormorant 1979 Port-Aux-Francais-Kerguelen, T.A.A.F. First Day. P.J. Marque Deposeee cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #FST0079C03 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #80 1978 1.20f Rallier du Baty 1978 Illustrated Port-Aux-Francais-Iles Kerguelen Premier Jour. P.J. Marque Deposee cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #FST0080C01 add to cart
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #80 1978 1.20f Rallier du Baty 1978 Illustrated Port-Aux-Francais-Iles Kerguelen Premier Jour. P.J. Marque Deposee cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #FST0080C02 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #80 1978 1.20f Rallier du Baty 1978 Illustrated Port-Aux-Francais-Iles Kerguelen Premier Jour. P.J. Marque Deposee cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #FST0080C03 add to cart
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #80 1978 1.20f Rallier du Baty 1978 Illustrated Port-Aux-Francais-Iles Kerguelen Premier Jour. P.J. Marque Deposee cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #FST0080C04 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #80 1978 1.20f Rallier du Baty. Mint never hinged. $0.85 Item #FS0080S1 add to cart
 French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #80 1978 1.20f Rallier du Baty 1978 Illustrated Port-Aux-Francais-Iles Kerguelen Premier Jour. P.J. Marque Deposee cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #FST080C02 add to cart
|  |  French Southern and Antarctic Territory Scott #81 1978 1.00f French Navigational Monument Hobart, Tasmania 1978 Illustrated Dumont-D'Orville-Terre-Adelie Premier Jour. P.J. Marque Deposee cachet. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #FST081C03 add to cart