Stamps Plus
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Stamps Plus


There are 108 stamps matching your search.

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Scott #248 1963
10F Space Flights of Bykovski and Valentina Tereshkova First Woman Cosmonaut Souvenir Sheet.
Mint never hinged.
$6.00 Item #HUNC248S2
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Scott #889-890, C69 1950
60f Chess Players, 1F Iron Workers Union Building and Chess Emblem, 1.60F Chess Emblem Globe and Plane World Chess Championship Matches Budapest.
Unused hinged.
$7.35 Item #HUN0889S1
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Scott #920-924 and C82-C86 1950
10f Diving, 20f Vaulting, 30f Volleyball, 40f, Javelin, 60f Sports Badge, 70f Soccer, 1F Mountain Climbing, 1.70F Basketball, 2F Motorcycling and 3F Glider Meet.
Mint never hinged.
$10.40 Item #HUN0920S01
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Scott #929-932, C87-C90 1951
10f Mare and Foal, 30f Sow and Shoats, 40f Ram and Ewe and 60f Cow and Calf and 20f Mare and Foal, 70f Sow and Shoats, 1Fo Ram and Ewe and 1.60Fo Cow and Calf Livestock Increased Livestock Production.
Mint never hinged.
$13.75 Item #HUN0929S01
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Scott #1447-1452, B224, C209A 1962
30f Flags of Colombia and Uruguay, 40f USSR and Yugoslavia, 60f Switzerland and Chile, 1F Germany and Italy, 1.70F Argentina and Bulgaria, 3F Brazil and Mexico, 4F+1F Spain and Czechoslovakia Semi-postal and 2F Hungary and Great Britain Air Mail, Globe and Soccer Ball.
Mint never hinged.
$6.50 Item #HUN1447S1
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Scott #1967 1967
2F+1F AND 2F+1F History of Hungarian Aircraft AEROFILA 67 Se-tenant Airmail Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$2.75 Item #HUNCB26aS1
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Scott #2273-2278, C347 1974
40f, 60f, 80f, 1F, 1.20Fand 5F and 6F Airmail Exploration of Mars.
Mint never hinged.
$2.10 Item #HUN2273S2
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Scott #B30a 1967
2F+1F AND 2F+1F History of Hungarian Aircraft AEROFILA 67 Se-tenant Airmail Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$2.75 Item #HUNCB30aS1
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Scott #B198A-B198D 1947
8f+8f, 12f+12f, 20f+20f and 30f+30f F.D. Roosevelt and Freedoms Semi-Postal.
Mint never hinged.
$12.00 Item #HUNB198AS01
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Scott #B198A-B198D 1947
8f+8f, 12f+12f, 20f+20f and 30f+30f F.D. Roosevelt and Freedoms Semi-Postal.
Unused hinged.
$7.50 Item #HUNB198AS5
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Scott #B198A-B198D, CB1-CB1C 1947
8f+8f, 12f+12f, 20f+20f and 30f+30f and 10f+10f, 20f+20f, 50f+50f and 70f+70f F.D. Roosevelt and Freedoms Semi-Postal.
Unused hinged.
$15.00 Item #HUNB198AS6
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Scott #C1-C2 1918
75f Parliament Building at Budapest Overprinted 1K 50f and 2K Parliament Building at Budapest Overprinted 4K 50f.
Unused hinged.
$12.00 Item #HUNC001S01
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Scott #C1-C2 1918
75f Parliament Building at Budapest Overprinted 1K 50f and 2K Parliament Building at Budapest Overprinted 4K 50f.
Mint never hinged.
$38.75 Item #HUNC001S02
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Scott #CB17-CB22 1957
60f+30f, 1F+50f, 2F+1F, 3F+1.50F, 5F+2.50F and 10F+5F Postal and Telegraph Employees Hospital Semi-Postal.
Unused hinged.
$10.00 Item #HUNCB17S1
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Scott #C3-C5 1920
3k on 10k Parliament Building at Budapest 8k on 10k Parliament Building and 12k on 10k Parliament Building Overprinted LEGI POSTA 3, 8, or 12 korona.
Unused hinged.
$1.80 Item #HUNC003S01
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Scott #C23 1930
5p Turul Carrying Messager.
Mint never hinged.
$24.75 Item #HUNC023S01
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Scott #C53-C62 1948
1F Gutenberg, 2F Columbus, 4F Fulton 5F Stephenson, 6F Schwartz and von Zeppelin, 8F Edison, 10F Bleriot, 12F Amundsen 30f Kando and 40f Popov Explorers and Inventors Air Mail.
Unused hinged.
$3.75 Item #HUNC053S01
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Scott #C53-C62 1948
1F Gutenberg, 2F Columbus, 4F Fulton 5F Stephenson, 6F Schwartz and von Zeppelin, 8F Edison, 10F Bleriot, 12F Amundsen 30f Kando and 40f Popov Explorers and Inventors Air Mail.
Unused hinged.
$7.45 Item #HUNC053S2
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Scott #C53-C62 1948
1F Gutenberg, 2F Columbus, 4F Fulton 5F Stephenson, 6F Schwartz and von Zeppelin, 8F Edison, 10F Bleriot, 12F Amundsen 30f Kando and 40f Popov Explorers and Inventors Air Mail.
Mint never hinged.
$5.60 Item #HUNC053S3
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Scott #C53-C62 1948
1F Gutenberg, 2F Columbus, 4F Fulton 5F Stephenson, 6F Schwartz and von Zeppelin, 8F Edison, 10F Bleriot, 12F Amundsen 30f Kando and 40f Popov Explorers and Inventors Air Mail.
Mint never hinged.
$5.60 Item #HUNC053S6
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