Stamps Plus
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There are 3 stamps matching your search.
Norway Scott #337-339 1955 20o Noway No. 1, 30o Post Horn and 55o Lion Rampant Stamp Reproductions 1955 Oslo Br.X Domestic Use. First Day. Cacheted. Pencil address. $35.00 Item #NOR0339C1 add to cart
Norway Scott #340-342 1955 20o Norway Number 1, 30o Posthorn Type and 55o Lion Type Overprinted Oslo Norwex Norway Philatelic Exhibition 1955 Illustrated Oslo, Norwei First Day Registered to Hilsingborg, Sweden. Uncacheted. Typewritten Address. $25.00 Item #NOR0340C01 add to cart
Norway Scott #B53 1953 30o+10o Kneeling Woman 1953 Jovik. First Day. Cacheted. Unaddressed. $7.50 Item #NORB053C1 add to cart