Poland Scott #3K1-3K8 1941 5g United States Embassy Ruins in Warsaw, 10g Polish Ministry of Finance Ruins in Warsaw, 25g Destruction of Mickiewcz Monument in Cracow, 55g Ruins of Warsaw, 75g Polish Machine Gunners, 80g Armored Tank, 1Z Polish Olanes in Great Britain and 1.50Z Polis. Used. $18.25 Item #PLD3K01S6 add to cart
|  |  Poland Scott #3K1-3K8 1941 5g United States Embassy Ruins in Warsaw, 10g Polish Ministry of Finance Ruins in Warsaw, 25g Destruction of Mickiewcz Monument in Cracow, 55g Ruins of Warsaw, 75g Polish Machine Gunners, 80g Armored Tank, 1Z Polish Olanes in Great Britain and 1.50Z Polis. Used. $18.25 Item #PLD3K01S7 add to cart
 Poland Scott #372 1945 3Z Ancient High Gate Gdansk Imperforate. Used. $10.00 Item #PLD0372S3 add to cart
|  |  Poland Scott #490-498 1950 5g, 10g, 15g, 25g, 30g, 40g, 45g and 75g President Boleslaw Beirut. Used. $1.25 Item #PLD0490S1 add to cart
 Poland Scott #B49-B49B 1946 3z+22z School Children, 6z+24z Courtyard of Jagiellon and 11z+19z Gregor Piramowicz Founder of Education Commission International Bureau of Education Semi-Postal. Used. $97.50 Item #PLDB049S3 add to cart
|  |  Poland Scott #N94a 1944 General Government 1.00Z Hitler Perf. 14. Used. $6.00 Item #PLDN094aS01 add to cart
 Poland Fischer #Warsaw Uprising 113-117 1944 Postage Free Vermillion, Bronze, Green, Grey Blue and Dark Bronze Polish Fighters Warsaw Uprising with Poczta Polowa, Warsawa postmark. Used on piece. $1,000.00 Item #PLDMSTWU113S1 add to cart