There are 737 stamps matching your search.
Afghanistan Scott #662Im 1963 4af Crown Prince Ahmed Shah Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #AFG0662ImS1 add to cart
| | Afghanistan Scott #B47-B51 1962 2p+25p, 2p+25p, 5p+25p, 10p+25p and 15p+25p UNESCO Semi-postal Surcharged in red. Unused hinged. $1.20 Item #AFGB47S2 add to cart
Albania Scott #651 1963 6L Henri Dunant, Cross, Globe and Nurse International Red Cross. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #ALB0651S1 add to cart
| | Albania Scott #B1-B4 1927 5c, 10c, 15c and 20c Kanina Overprinted + 5 qiad Red Cross Semi-Postal. Mint never hinged. $33.00 Item #ALBB01S01 add to cart
Albania Scott #B1-B4 1927 5c, 10c, 15c and 20c Kanina Overprinted + 5 qiad Red Cross Semi-Postal. Mint never hinged, one LH $25.00 Item #ALBB01S02 add to cart
| | Algeria Scott #313 1963 25c Centenary Emblem International Red Cross. Mint never hinged. $0.70 Item #ALG0313S1 add to cart
Algeria Scott #B67-B68 1952 8F+2F and 12F+3F Red Cross Semi-Postal 1952 Alger Croix-Rouge Francaise Premier Jour E'Emission Local Use. First Day on two Maximum Cards. Rubberstamp Address. $5.00 Item #ALGB068C1 add to cart
| | Algeria Scott #B74 1954 12F+3F Hospital and Nurses Red Cross Semi-Postal 1954 Algerie Croix-Rouge Francaise Premier Jour. Local Use. Maximum Card. Unaddressed. $7.50 Item #ALGB074C01 add to cart
Algeria Scott #B75 1954 15F+5F Dunant Red Cross Semi-Postal 1954 Algerie Croix-Rouge Francaise Premier Jour. Local Use. Maximum Card. Unaddressed. $7.50 Item #ALGB075C03 add to cart
| | Andorra French Scott #374 1989 3.60F Red Cross. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #AQF374S1 add to cart
Andorra French Scott #B1 1964 25c+10c Virgin of St Goloma Red Cross Semi-Postal. Mint never hinged. $18.00 Item #AQFB1S1 add to cart
| | Aruba Scott #197-204 2001 5c Cat, 15c Shells, 30c Tortoise, 35c Mud House, 50c Rabbit, 100c Balashi Gold Smelter, 200c Parakeet and 250c Rock Crystals Tourism 2001 Illustrated eerste dag van ultgifte First Day. Set of two Official cachets. MONARCH SIZE. Unaddressed. $15.00 Item #ARU197W01 add to cart
Australia Scott #271, 256 1954 3 1/2d Red Cross with 1d QEII on Reverse 1954 G.P.O. Sydney 147, N.S.W. to Denver, Colorado. First Day. Cacheted. Typewritten Address. $5.00 Item #AUS0271C01 add to cart
| | Australia Scott #354 1963 5d Red Cross (3) 1963 Philatelic Bureau Melbourne, Vic First Day of Issue Chicago, Ill. Official Post Office cachet. Typewritten Address. $5.00 Item #AUS0354C05 add to cart
Australia Scott #1315-1318 1993 45c Cruiser, 85c Corvette, $1.05 Destroyer and $1.20 Centaur Naval War Vessels 1993 HMAS Penguin Mosman NSW 2088 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Official AP cachet. MONARCH SIZE. Unaddressed. $7.50 Item #AUS1315W01 add to cart
| | Australia Scott #1315-1318 1993 45c Cruiser, 85c Corvette, $1.05 Destroyer and $1.20 Centaur Naval War Vessels 1993 HMAS Penguin Mosman NSW 2088 Illustrated First Day of Issue. Official AP cachet. MONARCH SIZE. Unaddressed. $7.50 Item #AUS1315W02 add to cart
Austria Scott #710 1963 3S International Reed Cross. Mint never hinged. $0.45 Item #ATR0710S1 add to cart
| | Austria Scott #710 1963 3S International Reed Cross. Mint never hinged. $0.45 Item #ATR0710S2 add to cart
Austria Scott #752 1965 3S Red Cross and Strip of Gauze International Red Cross Conference,. Mint never hinged. $0.45 Item #ATR0752S2 add to cart
| | Austria Scott #752 1965 3S Red Cross and Strip of Gauze International Red Cross Conference,. Mint never hinged. $0.45 Item #ATR0752S3 add to cart