There are 28 stamps matching your search.
 Somalia Scott #71 1926 1c Elephant Overprinted C. 5. Mint never hinged. $6.40 Item #SOM071S1 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #83 1926 Italy 2c Coat of Arms Overprinted Soamlia Italiana. Unused lightly hinged. $3.25 Item #SOM083S1 add to cart
 Somalia Scott #83 1926 Italy 2c Coat of Arms Overprinted Somalia Italiana. Unused hinged. $3.00 Item #SOM083S2 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #84 1926 Italy 5c Victor Emanuel III Overprinted Somalia Italiana. Unused hinged. $3.00 Item #SOM084S1 add to cart
 Somalia Scott #97 1927 Italy 20c Volta Overprinted Somalia Italiana. Unused hinged. $2.25 Item #SOM097S1 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #104 1929 Italy 20c Monte Cassino Overprinted Somalia Italiana. Unused hinged. $2.25 Item #SOM104S1 add to cart
 Somalia Scott #105 1929 Italy 25c Monte Cassino Overprinted Somalia Italiana. Unused hinged. $2.25 Item #SOM105S1 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #138 1932 5c Lighthouse at Cape Guardafui. Unused hinged with adhesion. $5.00 Item #SOM0138S1 add to cart
 Somalia Scott #138a 1934 5c Dark Brown Lighthouse at Cape Guardafui. Unused hinged. $2.25 Item #SOM0138aS2 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #139 1932 7 1/2c Governor's Palace Mogadishu. Unused hinged. $7.25 Item #SOM139S1 add to cart
 Somalia Scott #164-169, C1-C6 1934 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, 60c and 1.25L Mother and Child and 25c, 50c, 75c, 80c, 1L and 2L Cheetahs Colonial Arts Exhibition. Unused hinged. $30.00 Item #SOM164S1 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #164-169, C1-C6 1934 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, 60c and 1.25L Mother and Child and 25c, 50c, 75c, 80c, 1L and 2L Cheetahs Colonial Arts Exhibition. Unused hinged. $27.75 Item #SOM164S2 add to cart
 Somalia Scott #170 1950 1c Tower at Mnara Ciromo. Unused hinged. $2.35 Item #SOM170S1 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #170 1950 1c Tower at Mnara Ciromo. Unused hinged. $2.35 Item #SOM0170S1 add to cart
 Somalia Scott #565a 1981 11s Milo Tree Blossom, 15s Copper Leaf, 23s Yellow Alfamanda and $1 Mango Blossom 1981 Christmas Souvenir Sheet. Mint never hinged. $1.30 Item #SAM0565aC1 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #B1 1916 Italy 10c+5c Flag Overprinted Somalia Semi-postal. Unused lightly hinged. $7.25 Item #SOMB01S1 add to cart
 Somalia Scott #B3 1916 Italy 20c+5c Overprinted Somalia Semi-postal. Unused hinged. $10.90 Item #SOMB03S1 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #B3 1916 Italy 20c+5c Eagle Overprinted Somalia Semi-postal. Unused lightly hinged. $7.25 Item #SOMB03S2 add to cart
 Somalia Scott #B11-B16 1926 5c+5c, 10c+5c, 20c+5c, 40c+5c, 60c+5c and 1L+5c Peace Substituting Spade for Sword Semi-postal for Colonial Institute. Unused hinged. $4.05 Item #SOMB11S2 add to cart
|  |  Somalia Scott #B18 1926 Italy 60c+20c Overprinted Somalia Italiana Semi-postal for Charitable Work of the Voluntary Militia and Italian National Defense. Unused hinged. $2.05 Item #SOMB18S1 add to cart