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Turkey in Asia
There are 12 stamps matching your search.
Turkey in Asia Scott #15 1921 100pi Religious Tribunals Revenue with Gumuche-Hadji-Kevi postmark. Used. $90.00 Item #TKA015S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #21 1921 50pi Court Costs Revenue with Boyabod postmark. Used. $50.00 Item #TKA021S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #29 1921 10pa Tughra and Reshad of Sultan
Mohammed V Religious Tribunals Revenue Overprinted Ottoman Post 1337 with Konia postmark. Used. $8.75 Item #TKA029S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #30 1921 1pi Tughra and Reshad of Sultan
Mohammed V Religious Tribunals Revenue Overprinted Ottoman Post 1337 with Konia postmark. Used. $10.00 Item #TKA030S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #47 1921 1pi Notary Public Revenue Overprinted Ottoman Post 1337 with Samsoun postmark. Used. $12.50 Item #TKA047S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #52 1921 5pi Revenue Overprinted Ottoman Post 1337 with Keshkin postmark. Used. $5.00 Item #TKA052S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #78 1922 10pa Pact of Revenge, Buring Building at top with Konia (Gare) postmark. Used. $5.00 Item #TKA078S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #83 1922 10pi Legendary Gray Wolf with Egal Chenir postmark. Used on piece. $6.00 Item #TKA083S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #84, Turkey 640, Turkey 645 1922 25pi Snake Castle, Turkey 5g Fortress of Ankara and Turkey 50g Mustafa Kemal Pasha with Karahissan postmark. Used on piece. $10.00 Item #TKA084S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #85 1922 50pi Parliament Building with Aradhan postmark. Used. $8.00 Item #TKA085S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #88 1922 200pi Map of Anatolia with Koula postmark. Used. $40.00 Item #TKA088S01 add to cart
Turkey in Asia Scott #J4 1922 3pi Postage Due. Used. $12.50 Item #TKAJ4S01 add to cart