There are 1260 stamps matching your search.
United States Scott #1042A 1961 8c Pershing Liberty Issue 1961 New York, N.Y. First Day of Issue to Chicago, Ill. Handpainted Melissa Fox add-on cachet. Ink address. $20.00 Item #USA1042AC04 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1042a, 789 and 1094 1961 8c Pershing Prominent Americans with 3c Army and 4c Flag 1961 New York, N.Y. First Day of Issue. Unlisted Card. Unaddressed. $18.00 Item #USA1042aC01 add to cart
United States Scott #1044A 1961 11c Statue of Liberty Liberty Issue 1961 Washington, D.C. First Day of Issue Airmail to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address. $10.00 Item #USA1044AC01 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1144 1961 4c Patrick Henry Credo 1961 Richmond, Va. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Dargis Velvatone cachet Mellone #24. Unaddressed. $9.00 Item #USA1144C02 add to cart
United States Scott #1144 1961 4c Patrick Henry Credo 1961 Richmond, Va. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Cleveland, Miss. Boerger cachet Mellone #6. Ink address. $5.00 Item #USA1144C04 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1155 1961 4c Employ the Handicapped 1960 New York, N.Y. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address. $10.00 Item #USA1155C01 add to cart
United States Scott #1174 1961 4c Gandhi Champions of Liberty 1961 Washington, D.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Cleveland, Miss. Henry Covers cachet Mellone #20. Ink address. $5.00 Item #USA1174C02 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1177 1961 4c Horace Greeley 1961 Chappaqua, N.Y. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Des Moines, Iowa. Artcraft cachet Sev.#1A19 American Mutual Liability Insurance Company variety. Typewritten Address. $10.00 Item #USA1177C01 add to cart
United States Scott #1177 1961 4c Horace Greeley 1961 Chappaqua, N.Y. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Cleveland, Miss. Unlisted A.B. Covers cachet. Ink address. $5.00 Item #USA1177C02 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1178 1961 4c Fort Sumter 1961 Charleston, S.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue. Fleetwood cachet Mellone #30. Unaddressed. $12.50 Item #USA1178C03 add to cart
United States Scott #1178 1961 4c Fort Sumter Block 1961 Charleston, S.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue Local Use. Boerger cachet Mellone #14 with advertising insert. Ink address. $10.50 Item #USA1178C04 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1178 1961 4c Fort Sumter 1961 Illustrated Charleston, S.C. First Day of Issue to Cleveland, Miss. Boerger cachet Mellone #10. Ink address. $10.00 Item #USA1178C07 add to cart
United States Scott #1178 1961 4c Fort Sumter 1961 Charleston, S.C. First Day of Issue to Knoxville, Tenn. Fleetwood cachet Mellone 1178-30. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address with crease and some edge wear. $7.00 Item #USA1178W01 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1178 1961 4c Fort Sumter 1961 Charleston, S.C. First Day of Issue to E. Cleveland, Ohio. Texas Refinery Corp. cachet Mellone 1178-49 with contents. LEGAL SIZE. Typewritten Address. $30.00 Item #USA1178W02 add to cart
United States Scott #1178 1961 4c Fort Sumter 1961 Charleston, S.C. Illustrated First Day of Issue to Milwaukee, Wisc. Fleetwood multicolor cachet Frederick Post Co. variety Mellone #30. LEGAL SIZE. Addressograph address. $12.50 Item #USA1178W03 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1178, 985, 998 1961 4c Fort Sumter with 3c Grand Army and 3c Confederate Veterans 1961 Charleston, SC First Day of Issue. Presentation Card Butler and Kelly cachet Mellone 1178-17. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #USA1178C01 add to cart
United States Scott #1179 1962 4c Shiloh Civil War Centennial 1962 Illustrated Shiloh, Tenn. First Day of Issue to Waterville, Minnesota. Artcraft Ayers Laboratories variety cachet Mellone #4. Typewritten Address with small crease at bottom left. $18.00 Item #USA1179C02 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1179 1962 4c Shiloh Civil War Centennial 1962 Illustrated Shiloh, Tenn. First Day of Issue. Fluegel cachet. Unaddressed. $6.50 Item #USA1179C03 add to cart
United States Scott #1179 1962 4c Shiloh Civil War Centennial 1962 Illustrated Shiloh, Tenn. First Day of Issue. First Cachet Keepsake cachet Mellone #52. Unaddressed. $6.50 Item #USA1179C04 add to cart
| | United States Scott #1179 1962 4c Shiloh Civil War Centennial 1962 Illustrated Shiloh, Tenn. First Day of Issue. Boerger cachet Mellone #8. Unaddressed. $5.00 Item #USA1179C05 add to cart